Romain Thomas
As a specialist in digital innovation and technology transfer, Romain started out in the R&D department of innovative startups and then as a business manager at Orange, managing the transfer and incorporation of technologies from Orange Labs into Orange Business Services' offerings, where he led some fifteen maturation and technology transfer projects.
In the 2010s, Romain joined SATT Ouest Valorisation to take charge of the development of computer science and mathematics in the 7 major public research laboratories in the West of France, where he managed a portfolio of more than 400 technologies and concluded some thirty transfer operations, in sales, licensing and start-up creation.
In 2017, Romain co-founded the startup Askelys, in order to commercialise a search engine specialised in semantic databases, stemming from IRISA. In this context, Askelys entrusts Deomenos with a mission that will make them get to know and appreciate each other. At the end of 2022, Romain and Deomenos decide to collaborate on some IT missions and to develop a new line of services for Deep-Tech startups.
Romain is also involved in other activities such as technology transfer consulting, as well as mentoring at the Station-R incubator, where he coaches innovative startups. Romain is a lecturer in innovation, at top schools.
PhD in Computer Science INRIA-University of Rennes 1